Sailing Instructions

The notation ‘[NP]’ in a rule of the sailing instructions (SIs) means that a boat may not protest another boat for breaking that rule. This changes RRS 60.1(a)

  1. Rules
    1. The event is governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
  2. Changes to Sailing Instructions
    1. Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted before 1100 on the day it will take effect, except that any change to the schedule of races will be posted by 2000 on the day before it will take effect.  
  3. Communications with Competitors
    1. Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located at
  4. Code of Conduct
    1. [DP] Competitors and support persons shall comply with reasonable requests from race officials.
  5. Signals made ashore
    1. Signals made ashore will be displayed at the Starting Battery.
  6. Schedule of Races
    1. Racing: Sunday 5th September to 24th October, excluding 12th September.
    2. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is 1355.
  7. Class flags
    1. The class flags are:
      NHC Unrestricted – Numeral pennant 1
      NHC Restricted Sail – Numeral pennant 5
      Ruffian 23 – Numeral pennant 4
      Dinghy – Flag F
  8. Racing Area
    1. See NoR 7
  9. Courses
    1. The diagrams in Addendum A show the approximate position of all the marks (excluding W which will be laid depending on the wind direction).
    2. The table in Addendum B shows the courses for the NHC Unrestricted, NHC Restricted and Ruffian 23 classes, including the course signals, the order in which marks are to be passed and the side on which each mark is to be left
    3. The diagrams in Addendum C show the courses for PY Dinghy class, including the course signals, the order in which marks are to be passed and the side on which each mark is to be left.
    4. No later than the warning signal, the race committee will display the course board above the class designation mounted on the Club Battery indicating the course to be sailed.
    5. Course direction will be indicated by a red or green board located under the class flags. A red board indicates starting East to West and leaving all marks to port. A green board indicates starting West to East and leaving all marks to starboard.
    6. On completion of a round of a course, boats shall continue on a further round if the course letter is still displayed above their class designation. If the course letter has changed, boats shall complete a round of the new course displayed above their class designation.
    7. When the letter ‘F’ is displayed above a class designation, that class shall finish.
  10. Marks
    1. Marks are:
      R Red Outer Limit of start line
      G Green Outer Limit of start line
      1 Round yellow N 54:42.51 W 005:47.51
      2 Round yellow N 54:41.948 W 005:47.120
      3 Round yellow N 54:41.545 W 005:48.785
      4 Round yellow N 54:42.154 W 005:49.226
      D Round yellow N 54:41.711 W 005:47.901
      W Round Red positioned for wind direction
  11. Obstructions
    1. The Shipping Channel in the centre of the Lough is an obstruction.
  12. The Start
    1. Unrestricted and Restricted Sail classes will start together using Numeral Pennant 1 as the class flag. This changes RRS 26.
      Note: Competitors should be aware that although the individual classes have amalgamated into fleets for the start they will use course designations corresponding to their class.
    2. The start line is formed between the orange pole at the front of the battery and a green limit mark (G) if the first mark is to be rounded to starboard, or a red limit mark (R) if the first mark is to be rounded to port.
    3. Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area during the starting sequence for other races.
    4. If any part of a boat’s hull is on the course side of the starting line during the two minutes before her starting signal and she is identified, the race committee will attempt to broadcast her sail number on VHF channel 37. Failure to make a broadcast or to time it accurately will not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).
    5. If any part of a boat’s hull is on the course side of the starting line at her starting signal and she is identified, the race committee will attempt to hail her sail number. Failure to hail her number, failure of her to hear such a hail, or the order in which boats are hailed will not be grounds for a redress for request. This changes RRS 62.1(a).
    6. A boat that does not start within ten minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start without a hearing. This changes RRS A5.1 and A5.2. 
  13. The Finish
    1. The finishing line will be formed between the orange pole at the battery and the red limit mark (R) if the previous mark was left to starboard, and the green limit mark (G) if the previous mark was left to port.  
    2. If the race committee is absent when a boat finishes, she should report her finishing time, and her position in relation to nearby boats, to the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity. 
  14. Penalty System
    1. See NoR 9
  15. Time Limits
    1. The Race Time Limit (see RRS 35), and the Finishing Window are shown in the table below:
      Race Time Limit  – 90 minutes
      Finishing Window – 45 minutes
    2. The Finishing Window is the time for boats to finish after the first boat sails the course and finishes. Boats failing to finish within the Finishing Window, and not subsequently retiring, penalized or given redress, will be scored Time Limit Expired (TLE) without a hearing. A boat scored TLE shall be scored points for the finishing place one more than the points scored by the last boat that finished within the Finishing Window. This changes RRS 35, A5.1, A5.2 and A10.
    3. In the event of a second or subsequent round being designated, should no boat finish that round within the Race Time Limit for their class, or should the race be abandoned, the time of boats taken at the end of the last round completed shall be used for the result of the race. Boats not racing at the Race Time Limit or the time of abandonment will be recorded as Did Not Finish. This changes rule 35, A4 and A5.
  16. Hearing Requests
    1. For each class, the protest time limit is 90 minutes after the last boat in that class finishes the last race of the day or the race committee signals no more racing today, whichever is later. The time will be posted on the official notice board.
    2. Hearing request forms are available from the race office.  
    3. Notices will be posted no later than 30 minutes after the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. Hearings will be held in the protest room downstairs in the clubhouse. 
  17. Scoring
    1. See NoR 10
  18. Safety Regulations
    1. [DP] [NP] A boat that retires from a race shall notify the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.
  19. Equipment and Measurement Checks
    1. [NP] A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules, notice of race and sailing instructions. 
  20. Prizes
    1. See NoR 13
  21. Risk Statement
    1. See NoR 11

Addendum A – Racing Area

Addendum B – Keelboat Course List

Green board
Starting West to East
Leave marks to starboard
Red board
Starting East to West
Leave marks to port
A124GR  A431RG 
C134GR  C421RG 
D12GR   D43RG  
G13GR   G42RG  
I14GR   I41RG  
L123GR  L432RG 
M1GR    M4RG   
N1234GR N4321RG
V234GR  V321RG 
X24GR   X31RG  
Y2GR    Y3RG   

Addendum C – PY Dinghy Courses

Mark W will be positioned dependent on the wind direction to facilitate a Windward/Leeward style course.

Course LetterGreen board
Starting West to East
Leave marks to starboard
Red board
Starting East to West
Leave marks to port
Start/G – W – G – R/Finish

Start/R – W – R – G/Finish
Start/G – R – W – G – R/Finish

Start/R – G – W – R – G/Finish